Journey21 families to test new wearable tracking technology

Waukesha, Wi - Journey21 has been invited to participate in a beta test of a new product designed to keep loved ones safe.

 An award-winning Hartland-based company, Wearable Technologies, has designed a compact wearable product with high-level privacy safeguards that uses an onboard AI (Mahi™) machine-learning feature that can provide location tracking, hazard prediction capabilities, fall monitoring, and other vital information about your loved one. This could be useful for those persons with special needs who are prone to wandering or for a family who might want to be extra secure in knowing their family member is okay. With other technology on the market, many people who fall or wander cannot press the help button. This technology determines if a person is in distress and needs help.

 “Journey21 is committed to developing mutually beneficial partnerships. If we feel our program participants and families can benefit from a connection we can make, we are going to explore it,” said Heidi Hamilton, Program and Enrichment Center Director for Journey21. Family members are asked to volunteer to wear the device 12-15 hours a day for 30 – 60 days and later provide feedback. It is easily clipped to clothing.

Journey21 is a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation founded in 2020 to develop safe, supportive and enriching living and learning options for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. This includes an Enrichment Center that offers three highly structured learning academies, career readiness training, programs, outings, and bountiful community resources; as well as a safe and inclusive pedestrian-oriented residential neighborhood of supportive one- and two-bedroom condominiums and cottages for the needs and aspirations of 40 adults with IDD. For more information, visit

Caty Bulgrin